
Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Nestle Pure Life

Analysist extensive reading about Nestle Pure Life

1.     Find out the video about ads (commercial, comedy, political) just choose, free :
Nestlé Pure Life Hydration.
2.     Find out the social purpose :
In this video reminds us of the importance of consuming mineral water for the health of our bodies, by drinking mineral water to reduce dehydration in the body for activity in any condition.
3.      What  is the ads about :
This video takes us to continue to consume mineral water that has a healthy moisture, which aims to reduce the dehydration that often happens when we do strenuous activity, but rarely to consume mineral water. Nestle Pure Life is meant to warn us that the mineral water is essential for the body's metabolism and blood circulation in the body as well as the performance of the function - the function of vital organ in the body.
4.     What  do the image maen for you. Image here includes color, shape, music and the words :
That inspires me is the word contained in the advertisement "Drinking Better Life Better" is the goal here by drinking mineral water regularly will help you avoid dehydration, as well as nourish the body, blood circulation, and provide moisture to smooth skin that gives effect to fresh our body in any condition.

For image :

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